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FaithThe Word
John R. Donahue
Jesus' parable states that all church order is subject to the law of mercy and forgiveness.
FaithThe Word
John R. Donahue
“Denying one’s self” is more profound than daily acts of “mortification.” It means displacing one’s self from the center of our consciousness while looking to the true self embodied by Jesus’ teaching.
FaithThe Word
John R. Donahue
The shepherd imagery is deeply rooted in biblical thought.
FaithThe Word
John R. Donahue
Today’s Gospel and Luke’s whole theology of the Spirit, which will unfold in Acts, is a chronicle of the way God can walk with us in surprising, often unknown ways, reversing our path from fear and disappointment to make of us bearers of the power of the risen one.
FaithThe Word
John R. Donahue
He emptied himself, taking the form of a slave (Phil. 2:7)
FaithThe Word
John R. Donahue
For Christ, while we were still godless, died at the appointed time for the ungodly (Rom. 5:6)