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Colleen Dulle
Cardinal Seàn O’Malley, head of the pope’s abuse commission, has written a letter to the Roman Curia urging them to stop using the artwork of the disgraced former Jesuit priest and alleged abuser Marko Rupnik.
Arts & CultureBooks
Karen Peterson-Iyer
In 'Incarnating Grace: A Theology of Healing From Sexual Trauma,' Julia Feder is not only concerned with rejecting dangerous theological projects that have misled (and mistreated) survivors; she is also keen to plumb the depths of the Christian tradition more positively, for resources that offer meaning, courage and hope.
Geir Moulson - Associated Press
Due to various factors including scandal and a mandatory church tax, more than 400,000 people left the Catholic Church in Germany in the last year. However, departures have gone down since 2022.
David Agren - Catholic News Service
Spanish Jesuit Luis María Roma, who died in 2019, was recently discovered to have abused hundreds of Indigenous girls while serving as a missionary in rural Bolivia, and to have documented his acts in a diary.
Politics & SocietyNews
Peter J. Smith - OSV News
U.S. bishops met for a plenary assembly to discuss various topics including mental health, poverty and youth ministry, as well as hearing proposals from the National Review Board on how to combat sex abuse in the church.
FaithFaith in Focus
Simcha Fisher
Rupnik’s art was an expression of the abuse he perpetrated. And so, the message to Rupnik’s victims, intentional or not, is clear: Your feelings are wrong and less important than your abuser’s art.