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Nicole Winfield - Associated PressLeo Enright - Associated Press
A prominent Irish survivor of priestly sexual abuse told a Vatican-sponsored conference Friday that the Holy See must put in place "robust structures" and strong sanctions to hold accountable bishops and Vatican officials who fail protect children from predator priests.
David Crary - Associated Press
Advocates of ordaining women as Roman Catholic priests cite the church's unfolding sex abuse scandals as powerful arguments for their cause, while acknowledging the high unlikelihood of achieving their goal anytime soon.
Matthew Davis - Catholic News Service
About 120 Catholics gathered on the steps of the Cathedral of St. Paul to pray for survivors of clergy sexual abuse and for a cleansing of the Catholic Church.
FaithYour Take
Our readers
“My faith in Jesus Christ is unchanged. I pray for the church and the bishops. I truly want there to be zero tolerance for abusers in the church and zero tolerance for those that enable and condone abusive behaviors.”
Maria Wiering - Catholic News Service
Archbishop John C. Nienstedt has "stepped aside from his responsibilities" at the Napa Institute, the Irvine, California-based organization announced Aug. 15.
Simon Caldwell - Catholic News Service
A global synod on priests could help the church to end the "terrible" scandals of clerical child abuse, an English bishop told Pope Francis.