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Politics & SocietyNews
Jack Jenkins - Religion News Service
On May 31, the California state senate passed a bill requiring priests to report anything they heard in the sacrament of confession from priests or colleagues relating to sex abuse. The bill passed with a 30-4 vote, with 4 senators not voting at all. Catholic clergy and survivor groups have clashed on the bill, the clergy against it, survivor groups all for "increased transparency."
During the period from July 1, 2017, to June 30, 2018, 1,385 adults came forward with 1,455 allegations of abuse—up from 693 allegations in the previous year. (AP Photo/Jae C. Hong)
David Crary - Associated Press
The report attributed much of the increase to a victim compensation program implemented in five dioceses in New York state.
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The Notre-Dame Cathedral, in Quebec City, during celebrations on Dec. 12, 2015, for the Jubilee of Mercy (CNS photo/Philippe Vaillancourt, Presence)
Michael J. O’Loughlin
In the survey conducted online in early May and just published by the British Columbia-based Angus Reid Institute, 78 percent of all Canadians (including non-Catholics) gave the church a poor grade.
FaithFaith in Focus
Dawn Eden Goldstein
James Carroll’s article gives no hint that we are all, in fact, sinners in need of salvation; he argues that the only thing lay Catholics need to be saved from is Catholicism itself.
Politics & SocietyNews
Cindy Wooden - Catholic News Service
Bishop Juan Ignacio Arrieta, secretary of the Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts has said that all members of the Catholic Church are obliged to act in accordance with local civil law on mandatory reporting of sex abuse cases.