Within the digital realm, people are currently exploring friendships and romantic partnerships with A.I. chatbots. To mitigate the potential harm, it would be wise for humans to consider some legal, emotional and intellectual boundaries.
The half-hearted “sorry if people were offended” apologies have been Olympian exercises in gaslighting, but I find myself wishing that the Christian community reserved some of that righteousness for more legitimate experiences of persecution.
The U.S. surgeon general suggests a warning label on social media apps. But God entrusted us with the care of our children, and we’re the ones who should be held accountable for any harms.
The problem is not that TikTok users feel disappointed about the potential loss of an entertaining social platform; it is that many young people see a ban on TikTok as the end of, or at least a major disruption to, their social life.
Praying the Angelus with some 25,000 visitors in St. Peter’s Square, Pope Francis urged listeners to disconnect from the “pollution of vain words and chatter” present on social media platforms.