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Sister Maria Giuseppina (left) and Sister Maria Caterina (right) are among 10 remaining nuns in a convent on the island of Sardinia who are breaking their silence and embracing the internet in an effort to ensure their order’s survival. This photo is from an exhibition being held at the Santa Chiara convent in Sardinia. Photo courtesy of Gabriele Calvisi.
Josephine McKenna - Religion News Service
The 10 nuns who live behind the high walls of the convent in Oristano are breaking their silence and turning their back on tradition.
Politics & SocietyDispatches
Judith Valente
Illinois is one of about 35 states that have “revenge laws” that prohibit anyone from publicly disseminating intimate or embarrassing content about others without their consent.
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Nathan Schneider
The A.P. owes its uniqueness and stature in no small part to its business model.
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Judith Valente
What motivates assailants to brazenly post their crimes to Facebook?