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Arts & CultureFeatures
Lisa Ampleman
When I read A Wrinkle in Time as a child, it was an experience of the senses.
FaithThe Good Word
Terrance Klein
When someone “becomes our cross,” the Father is asking us to become their Christ.
FaithFaith in Focus
Jennifer Fulwiler
Could I really be happy if my primary focus for years to come was managing a house full of babies?
FaithFaith in Focus
Kathy Ewing
Every Sunday we would encounter each other, serve food and wash dishes “hip to hip.”
James Martin, S.J.
The Easter event, that is, the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, is simply too big a truth to be celebrated in just one day.
FaithFaith in Focus
Tim Gorichanaz
The suffering of ultrarunning is physical and mental, sharp and dull, here and there. And yet, it is joyful.