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Arts & CultureBooks
Josephine von Dohlen - Catholic News Service
Fr. William Rieser, S.J., chair of the religious studies department at Holy Cross, makes the connection of the Harry Potter books to the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola.
FaithYour Take
Our readers
“Marriage preparation is a fantastic opportunity for evangelization, catechesis and pastoral care—our diocese dropped the ball on this opportunity.”
What is needed now is awareness of the importance of both Scripture and theology, and how they enrich each other. (iStock/aaron007)
FaithShort Take
Jim Heft
Pastoral theologians are attentive to the actual experience of believers trying to live their Christian lives.
FaithThe Good Word
Terrance Klein
We were made for more than the manipulation of words and images.
Michael J. O’Loughlin
As technology allows bodies to live longer than ever before, palliative care could playing an increasingly important role in end-of-life decisions.
Emma Winters
Odds are, if your parish provides a “gluten-free” host, it is actually just using a low-gluten host.