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The 1505 edition of ‘Imitation of Christ,’ at Museum Catharijneconvent, in Utrecht, the Netherlands. (Wikimedia Commons)
FaithFaith in Focus
Peter John Cameron
After St. Ignatius discovered 'Imitation of Christ,' he "never wished to read any other devotional book."
Arts & CulturePoetry
Meena Alexander
You are in a country I have never seen.
Sean Salai
Humans are called to praise, reverence and serve God through our every decision and action.
FaithFaith in Focus
Jeremy Zipple
I will see two people talking and pray: “Lord, whatever that is please bless that. Don't even know what it is.”
“Films were really my church,” Andrew Garfield, pictured here with the director Martin Scorsese, said of his childhood, “that is where I felt soothed, that is where I felt most myself” (photo: Paramount Pictures).
Arts & CultureFilm
Brendan Busse
There were so many things in the Exercises that changed me and transformed me, that showed me who I was...and where I believe God wants me to be.
Arts & CultureBooks
Thomas Powers
What Black Elk taught his people was to depend instead on something harder to take away than guns, the trust that prayers in their own language, delivered in their own way, would reach the god they addressed as Tunkashila.