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FaithThe Good Word
Elizabeth Kirkland Cahill
Dec. 2, First Friday of Advent.
FaithThe Good Word
Elizabeth Kirkland Cahill
If we are honest, to hear is to disobey, particularly if God’s words do not comport with our own plans.
Emily McFarlan Miller - Religion News Service
The Lakota prayer over water has become a rallying cry in the mass action to prevent the construction of a crude oil pipeline near their reservation.
MagazineIn All Things
Matt Malone, S.J.
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FaithIn All Things
Elizabeth Kirkland Cahill
None of us truly understands what it means that “the Son of Man will come.”
FaithThe Good Word
Elizabeth Kirkland Cahill
The more we turn the camera on ourselves, the less likely we are to direct our attention to God.