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A priest sits in front of a microphone wearing clerical clothing
Catholic News Service
Swiss Cardinal Kurt Koch apologized for offending people and said he never intended to imply that supporters of the German church’s Synodal Path were acting similar to a group of Christian supporters of the Nazis in the 1930s.
bishop georg bätzing sits in front of a microphone at the conference of the german bishops, he wears his priest clothing and is gesturing with his hands
Catholic News Service
The president of the German bishops' conference demanded an apology from a cardinal who seemed to compare the German Synodal Path with a Nazi ideology.
Inside the Vatican
With reports from at least 112 of the 114 bishops’ conferences around the world, the Synod on Synodality has entered its next phase as 35 laypeople, priests and bishops meet to discern the outcome of the worldwide listening process.
Gerard O’Connell
In the second part of this exclusive interview, Cardinal Grech reveals in new depth the plans for the continental and Roman phases of the global synodal process.
Gerard O’Connell
Starting Sept. 21, a team of 35 people "summoned from all continents" went to Frascati, outside Rome, to synthesize the reports from phase one of the synod.
bishop frank caggiano speaks in front of a group of young people in a dark room with a screen behind him and the people
Dennis Sadowski - Catholic News Service
The U.S.C.C.B. released a report on the concerns and hopes of those who joined listening sessions or events during the diocesan phase of the Synod on Synodality.