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Pope Francis embraces Cardinal Angelo Scola of Milan during a meeting with clergy and religious at the cathedral in Milan.
FaithVatican Dispatch
Gerard O’Connell
“It seemed to me, right from the beginning, that Francis’ style of pontificate was like a punch in the stomach from the Holy Spirit to wake us up,” Cardinal Angelo Scola says in this exclusive interview.
Carol Zimmermann - Catholic News Service
Archbishop Christophe Pierre spoke to the U.S. bishops Nov. 16 about the importance of listening to people in the church and being open to the work of the Holy Spirit.
“This could have a profound change in the life of the church.”
Bishops and cardinals are seated in a semicircle as Pope Francis gives his homily at the opening Mass of the synod.
Catholic News Service
The synod office extended the timeline at the request of dioceses who asked for more time to hear the thoughts of Catholics.
Colleen DulleDoug Girardot
A team of America Media reporters contacted all 196 “particular churches” in the United States and was able to confirm the appointment of 62 local synod coordinators.
Inside the Vatican
In addition to the difficulty of changing the attitudes of Catholics accustomed to a “command and control model” of church, the synod faces several logistical challenges.