AI priest “Father Justin,” a chatbot used to answer questions about the Catholic faith, has been renamed “Justin” and swapped out his virtual clerics for a button-down shirt after facing backlash from online users just one day after launching.
The great danger of artificial intelligence is not that it is ineffective. It can also perform quite effectively. In fact, it is already transforming modern warfare.
Friar Paolo Benanti is the Vatican's go-to person on A.I. technology, and he has the ear of Pope Francis as well as some of Silicon Valley's top engineers and executives.
Our consumerist throwaway culture has severe and palpable noneconomic effects, driving the resort to abortion, assisted suicide, and even the way we treat animals in factory farms.
The huge advances in new information technologies, the pope said, “offer exciting opportunities and grave risks, with serious implications for the pursuit of justice and harmony among peoples.”