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Politics & Society
Nathan Schneider
Is it possible to create a business model based on more virtuous, adventuresome news-reading?
Arts & CultureCulture
Jim McDermott
With a sense of itself as the future of humanity, Facebook proves to be no ordinary company. When you’ve got a billion users, Martínez points out, it doesn’t matter if your advertising model is enormously flawed.
(iStock photo)
Arts & CultureOf Other Things
Raymond A. Schroth, S.J.
In a midtown subway station four silent women, bent over their smartphones, texted or read while an unconscious ragged man sprawled helpless at their feet. I checked to see if he was dead.
Politics & SocietyWashington Front
John Carr
We need more faithful Catholics running for office and more outreach to Catholic voters.
Arts & CultureColumns
James Martin, S.J.
One of the most common reactions to this question: “Don’t be so sensitive. Criticizing doesn’t make someone mean.”
Politics & SocietyFirst Monday
Ellen K. Boegel
It is time to improve our nation’s whistleblower and false claims laws.