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Picture of a sea of text merging in a blank screen held by a robot hand
Politics & SocietyOf Many Things
Sam Sawyer, S.J.
You need not worry that I will be outsourcing “Of Many Things” columns to our robot overlords in the future.
a white robot with large eyes looks at the camera
Politics & SocietyFaith and Reason
Michael BurnsJoseph Vukov
New forms of A.I. raise pressing ethical and philosophical questions that must be addressed by Catholics and, for that matter, all people of good will.
Arts & CultureFaith in Focus
Jim McDermott
Pope Francis didn’t wear Balenciaga. I can’t imagine he ever will. But if we keep our eyes peeled, it won’t be long before we see him do something just as eye-popping to reveal once again to us the challenging, merciful love of God.
the pope is seated facing away from the camera in front, facing a crowd of people in business clothes who represent artificial intelligence and tech industry leaders
Inside the Vatican
On “Inside the Vatican” this week, Ricardo da Silva, S.J., and Gerard O’Connell look at the viral image of the pope in a puffer jacket, which led to a conversation on Vatican responses to A.I.
The new JesuitPilgrimage app provides photos, prayer and audio guides and interactive maps to bring users to the significant spots in the life of St. Ignatius and the Society of Jesus.
a computer screen displays a ChatGPT webpage
Justin McLellan – Catholic News Service
Father Phillip Larrey said conversations on AI must shift to what Pope Francis calls “person-centered AI.” The pope, he said, “is insisting that you need to put the human person at the center of this technology.”