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Viola Davis as Ma Rainey in ”Ma Rainey's Black Bottom” (David Lee/Netflix).
Arts & CultureFilm
Rob Weinert-Kendt
Chadwick Boseman also appears in his final performance before his untimely death.
Arts & CultureIdeas
Lindsay Chessare
This production of ‘Godspell’ is striving to be the benchmark for a possible future for theater.
Arts & CultureBooks
Ron Marasco
Terry Eagleton's new book on tragedy can be a difficult read.
Arts & CultureBooks
Emma Winters
Religion and spirituality are at the center of Anne Enright's exceptional new novel.
In ‘Dana H.,’ Deirdre O’Connell lip-syncs to a recorded account of Dana Higginbotham’s abduction by a disturbed client some 25 years ago (photo: Carol Rosegg).
Arts & CultureTheater
Rob Weinert-Kendt
Dana Higginbotham is the subject of an extraordinary new play by her son, Lucas Hnath.
Arts & CultureCulture
Ryan Di Corpo
The setting of “West Side Story” is San Juan Hill, the nickname of the Lincoln Square area of Upper West Side of Manhattan—an area bulldozed and redeveloped into the Lincoln Center performing arts complex in the early 1960s.