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Arts & CultureMusic
Cecilia González-Andrieu
Roberto S. Goizueta’s 'Caminemos con Jesús' has become incarnate in singer-songwriter-theologian Tony Alonso’s new songbook.
Arts & CultureBooks
Joseph Simmons
Those familiar with the Gilead story will find in Marilynne Robinson's latest novel another beautiful meditation on grace operative in spite of habits of despair and the social sins that feed them.
FaithFaith and Reason
Patrick Manning
Christian communities can criticize and resist current trends toward faith deconstruction, but they may only succeed in pushing more people out into the wilderness where they are less likely to find the life-giving waters for which they thirst.
Arts & CultureBooks
Jessica Hooten Wilson
Tolkien's fiction reminds us that power cannot be controlled; it enslaves you. To act freely is to acknowledge your limits, to see the journey as a long road that includes dozens of future elections, and to fight against the temptation for power.
Sean Salai
Is the practice of exorcism best forgotten, or is there any value in it?
FaithFaith and Reason
Louis J. Cameli
The U.S. bishops have said that "the threat of abortion remains our preeminent priority.” The statement would be more accurate and effective to say that the protection of unborn life is “foundational.”