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Politics & SocietyNews
Nicole Winfield - Associated Press
A British court backed a Vatican tribunal's ruling that financier Raffaele Mancione defrauded the Holy See of tens of millions of euros related to a London property.
Arts & CultureCatholic Book Club
James T. Keane
Josephine Ward was a strong critic of Catholic modernism, and many of her novels featured protagonists struggling to reconcile au courant political and religious ideas with the strictures of the Catholic Church.
James T. Keane
As our own cultural moment in the United States has included some prominent conversions to Catholicism, what might we learn from some of the more prominent converts in British Catholic history?
Arts & CultureCatholic Book Club
James T. Keane
David Lodge's novels—as well as his many works of nonfiction—made him an important figure in 20th-century British literature. He also captured well the angst of many lay Catholics in the aftermath of Vatican II.
Anti-euthanasia protesters demonstrate outside the Royal Courts of Justice in London in July 2017.  (CNS photo/Neil Hall, Reuters)
Politics & SocietyThe Weekly Dispatch
Kevin Clarke
U.K. faith leaders oppose the assisted dying bill: “We believe that a truly compassionate response to the end of life lies in the provision of high-quality palliative care services to all who need them.”
Politics & SocietyShort Take
Ciaron Tobin
Since launching a campaign within the Labour Party against legalized suicide, I’ve been met with the refrain, “Your only allies are the Tories.”