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OSV News
Bishop Richard F. Stika of Knoxville, 65, has resigned from pastoral governance of the diocese, after he has faced media interest in alleged sexual abuse cover-up and financial mismanagement.
Arts & CultureBooks
Mike Mastromatteo
'People Get Ready' tells how an inner-city Boston parish managed to transform itself into a vibrant church community, an experience that Reynolds believes holds lessons for a new understanding of the role of the parish in Catholic ecclesiology.
hymnals behind a pew
Thomas J. Reese
More U.S. Protestants are satisfied with the sermons and music they hear at services than Catholics, according to a Pew Research study. Catholics also feel less connected to their fellow congregants.
Christopher Parker
Young adults with autism have few places to turn when the services they received as children end. This leads many autistic adults to live at home for years with parents who worry for their children as they age.
FaithFaith in Focus
J.D. Long García
All Catholics in Phoenix, on some level, felt the sting of the sexual abuse crisis. Dozens of priests and deacons were accused, leading many of us to question our faith. Have we come to terms with it?
The TV showrunner Damon Lindelof, in glasses and a black knit hat, picture speaking at Comic Con in 2012.
FaithShort Take
Jim McDermott
Writers often have no experience at leading shows when they get that chance. It's similar for priests who become pastors.