The plan could result in the possible shutdown of churches and schools as the archdiocese responds to a decline in the number of priests and a shift in parishioners.
The case came as an unhappy shock to Catholics all over the United States who might have hoped that years of procedural changes would have put an end to the ordination of priests like the Rev. Robert McWilliams.
The U.S. bishops approved their long-awaited and much-debated document on the Eucharist at their November meeting last week. What does the Vatican hope they will do next?
If we are to differ intelligently and temperately, we must first share a great deal in common. Today, though, claims and counter-claims are made as if they were vindicated by the mere vehemence of their assertion.
“Every Cuban should be able to freely and respectfully express and share his personal opinions, his thoughts or his convictions, even when he disagrees with the majority,” the bishops said.