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FaithOf Many Things
Matt Malone, S.J.
To overcome polarization and ideological partisanship—both in the church and in the culture—requires attention to diverse opinions and a variety of perspectives. America's inclusive approach is an attempt to do just that.
FaithVantage Point
Thomas F. O'Meara
In 1990, Thomas F. O'Meara, O.P., addressed the need for Catholic university faculties of adequate number and quality as well as the problem of educating Roman Catholics in schools largely separate from the numerous Catholic areas and traditions.
FaithVantage Point
Matthew Lamb
The Rev. Matthew Lamb argues that if the education of theologians is the foundation of Catholic education, hiring trends in Catholic universities suggest an ongoing "Protestantization" of religious education at Catholic colleges and universities.
Grant Kaplan
How can the discipline of theology keep its footing in Catholic colleges and universities facing uncertain futures?
Associated Press
An archbishop of Newark groomed a 5-year-old girl by delivering food to her struggling family and regularly babysitting her, then sexually abusing her on multiple occasions in the 1970s, a lawsuit alleges.
FaithFaith and Reason
Kenneth R. Himes
An an important anniversary of Pope Leo XIII's famous encyclical on workers' rights, a look at how 'Rerum Novarum' applies to the vagaries of our new economy.