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A grandmother who has been part of a Catholic Relief Services' program for family nutrition shares her lunch with her youngest of seven grandchildren in the kitchen of the family home in Konjiko, Kenya, in May 2019. Lenten alms donated through the CRS Rice Bowl program support the agency's work in roughly 45 different countries. (CNS photo/Georgina Goodwin for Catholic Relief Services) 
Politics & SocietyNews
Kevin Clarke
While the Covid-19 pandemic provokes a series of unprecedented measures, other ongoing challenges to human life and dignity—drought, famine, armed conflict and poverty among them—are not offering a time-out from the suffering they inflict.
Politics & SocietyEditorials
The Editors
No country can be safe from the coronavirus as long as any nation is unable to resist it with all the resources it can muster or all the resources that, in mercy, can be shared with it.
Politics & SocietyFeatures
John W. Miller
Trump voters were holding firm in early March, reports John W. Miller, but Covid-19 may bring a sea change in the key states of Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin and Iowa.
People wait in line for help with unemployment benefits at the One-Stop Career Center on March 17 in Las Vegas. (AP Photo/John Locher)
Politics & SocietyDispatches
J.D. Long García
Ms. Aguila and her husband are undocumented immigrants, but their children are U.S. citizens. If the children catch the coronavirus, she said, they will have health care. But as far as her husband and herself, Ms. Aguila said their only plan is just to not get sick.
Politics & SocietyNews
Catholic News Service
In his statement, the archbishop said he expects the federal government to adopt another measure to respond to the worsening economic crisis as unemployment claims continue to increase.
Politics & SocietyShort Take
Julie Hanlon Rubio
The coronavirus has arrived as politics has become increasingly important to identity, writes Julie Hanlon Rubio. How can we rethread the ties that bind us together, and do so quickly?