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Arts & CultureBooks
Jennifer MacNeil
Edward K. Kaplan’s book on Abraham Heschel will help readers feel a portion of the anguish Heschel endured in his lifetime. But even in his anguish, Heschel found not just spiritual consolation, but profound hope from his deep faith.
Politics & SocietyNews
Catholic News Service
The first synodal assembly on the future the Catholic Church in Germany drew both praise and some criticism, with many of the 230 participants lauding what they called a special atmosphere in the debates on key reforms.
FaithVatican Dispatch
Gerard O’Connell
“Consumerism is a virus that attacks the faith at its roots, because it makes you believe that life depends only on what you have, and so you forget God," the pope said.
Cardinal Rainer Maria Woelki of Cologne, Germany, and Cardinal Reinhard Marx of Munich and Freising distribute Communion during Cardinal Woelki's installation Mass at the cathedral in Cologne on Sept. 20, 2014. (CNS photo/Jorg Loeffke, KNA) 
Zita Ballinger Fletcher
“We are emphasizing through the synodal way the community and bonds of all believers—not the difference between clergy and laity. All of us are baptized and confirmed. All of us stand in the same mission to witness the Gospel,” Father Langendörfer said.
Arts & CultureBooks
Timothy P. O'Malley
What makes 'Mass Exodus' a must-read is careful attention to the qualitative analysis related to disaffiliation from the church.
Arts & CultureBooks
Kevin Jackson
John W. O’Malley's ‘When Bishops Meet’ challenges readers to understand the lasting importance of three monumental councils of the church.