What do my prayers for Ukraine achieve? Is this about convincing God to intervene or softening my own heart so I can suffer with my Ukrainian brothers and sisters?
As Russia fired missiles on several Ukrainian cities and Russian troops reportedly landed in Odessa, the head of the Ukrainian Catholic Church affirmed the right of Ukrainians to defend their homeland.
Dr. Paul Farmer was world-renowned for his medical achievements, but he also had a profound impact on friends and colleagues who saw him as a person of great holiness.
“Jesus taught us that the diabolical senselessness of violence is answered with God's weapons, with prayer and fasting,” the pope said as the situation continued to deteriorate between Russia and Ukraine.
A “just war” in Ukraine would be a catastrophe for all parties. But a “just peace” framework that recognizes the root causes of the conflict can bring the U.S., Russia and Ukraine to a mutually beneficial outcome.
With the “further escalation of tension in Ukraine,” the president of the Polish bishops’ conference asked Polish Catholics to continue praying for peace, but also to be prepared to welcome Ukrainian refugees.