Few expected that the waters off Ireland’s southwestern coast would become a potential front in a confrontation with the Russian Federation. But that is exactly what happened at the end of January.
Just war principles do not require Western nations to practice pacifism or ignore Russian aggression in Ukraine. But they may still guide nations to a nonviolent resolution, and Pope Francis can help.
Cardinal Charles Maung Bo of Yangon assesses the future in Myanmar one year after a coup turned back a decade of democratic progress, calling for dialogue, the end of violence and the release of political prisoners.
Jim Forest, who died on Jan. 13, was a lifelong peace activist and the author of numerous books, including biographies of Dorothy Day, Thomas Merton and Daniel Berrigan, S.J.
Vladimir Putin‘s aggression against Ukraine fails just war theory, but the ethicist John Davenport writes that NATO forces are morally justified in responding with proportionate military action.
Thich Nhat Hanh, who died on Jan. 21, had a profound influence on Thomas Merton, who said, “I have far more in common with Nhat Hanh than I have with many Americans, and I do not hesitate to say it.”