The nuclear nonproliferation treaty (NPT) was written for a Cold War standoff between the U.S. and the Soviet Union. It can only be effective now if it includes new nuclear powers like Israel.
In a video message released by the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network, Pope Francis offered his prayer intention for the month of January, which he dedicated to people who suffer from religious discrimination and persecution.
In his message for the 2022 World Day of Peace, Pope Francis proposed three paths to peace: dialogue between the generations, greater investment in education and job creation.
David Diop's new novel centers on the filial love between two Senegalese riflemen, close childhood friends who joined the French army because they hoped to become French citizens at the end of World War I.
“The European continent needs reconciliation and unity; it needs courage and enthusiasm, if it is to move forward. For it will not be the walls of fear and the vetoes dictated by nationalist interests that ensure its progress.”