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Arts & CultureBooks
Thomas Gibb
For some, El Salvador was a shameful episode, in which Washington backed the perpetrators of a death squad bloodbath in a failed attempt to militarily defeat a homegrown leftist insurgency.
Politics & SocietyNews
Lori Hinnant - Associated Press
Deep inside Syria, a bishop worked around the blurred edges of international law to save the lives of more than 200 people.
Politics & SocietyNews
Catholic News Service
"Despite all divergences, we believe a political compromise is still possible," the bishops said in a Dec. 2 statement.
FaithThe Good Word
Terrance Klein
A crucified God is not the status quo, and it is isn’t made into the acceptable, the intellectually palatable, by the proclamation of the resurrection.
Politics & SocietyDispatches
Kevin Clarke
Authorities today were still trying to ascertain a motive for the attack.