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FaithFaith in Focus
Jim Forest
On the fifth anniversary of the death of Daniel Berrigan, S.J., a close friend and colleague looks back on a poignant moment in their work together.
Arts & CultureBooks
Franklin Freeman
Julius Margolin's memoir of his time in the gulag tells his experiences through a shattering series of stories.
Arts & CultureIdeas
Robert Ellsberg
Half a century later, Robert Ellsberg looks back on his father’s famous release of the Pentagon Papers—and the consequences of that decision for his father, for him and for the nation.
Politics & SocietyNews
Yonat Shimron - Religion News Service
“My neighborhood, my family and I have a right to live without a nuclear gun on hair-trigger alert held perpetually to our heads,” Colville told the judge.
Manillas are a historic form of money, made of European bronze and copper. Large quantities were produced for the Slave Trade (photo: iStock)
Politics & SocietyFaith and Reason
Nicholas Misukanis
Perhaps this is the moment for President Biden to honor his campaign promise and begin a national discussion on our country’s tragic past.
FaithVatican Dispatch
Gerard O’Connell
The message of Easter is not a mirage or a magic formula, Pope Francis said. But it does offer hope to a world suffering from the Covid-19 pandemic and many sources of conflict.