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Simcha Fisher
Catholic groups offer high-tech, effective options for couples seeking to use fertility awareness based methods of family planning. But first they need more access to them.
Arts & CultureBooks
Jonathan Malesic
In her new book, Meghan Daum recounts how, despite her unimpeachable feminist and liberal commitments, she came to feel not just wrong, but alienated from a new generation of “extremely online” activists.
Arts & CultureBooks
Jenny Shank
'Body Leaping Backward' is a melancholy, atmospheric memoir that reads as a sort of urgent confession.
Arts & CultureBooks
Ryan Di Corpo
At a public memorial service in the cathedral, the site of the funerals of James Baldwin and Duke Ellington, several friends of Ms. Morrison provided their recollections of her talent, warmth and sense of humor.
Nathan Schneider
Putting an end to the cultural pressure that prevents men from taking on caregiving roles.
Women casts their votes in 2017 at a polling station in Crostwitz, Germany. (CNS photo/Matthias Rietschel, Reuters) )
Politics & SocietyNews
Kevin Clarke
The good news is that “trends in women’s empowerment are heading in the right direction globally. Some 59 countries recorded significant progress since the first edition while only one country (Yemen) experienced major deterioration.”