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FaithFaith and Reason
David AlbertsonJason Blakely
With the much-anticipated release of Pope Francis’s new encyclical “Fratelli Tutti” on Oct. 4, Catholic Christians would do well to revisit his critique of false realism and false nostalgia, and his call for the church to foster a political attitude of faithful and daring dreaming.
Politics & SocietyNews
Junno Arocho Esteves - Catholic News Service
Before his death from leukemia in 2006, Acutis was an average teen with an above-average knack for computers. He put that knowledge to use by creating an online database of eucharistic miracles around the world.
Politics & SocietyNews
Mark Pattison - Catholic News Service
A Pew Research Center study released in September shows that teens' religious practice is less than that of their parents. The lessened observance cuts across all denominational lines.
A cameraman films Father Kevin Kennedy at the altar at St. Gabriel Catholic Church in Washington, D.C., on July 11, for a live-streamed Mass. (CNS photo/Tyler Orsburn)
Mark M. Gray
The Covid-19 pandemic may have long-term effects on Mass attendance, writes Mark M. Gray, detailing the results of a new CARA survey, with many young people hesitant to return to the pews.
Photo: iStock
Arts & CultureIdeas
Mike Seay
Roger Ebert once said that “video games can never be art.” It is hard to make that case in 2020.
Arts & CultureFilm
John Dougherty
For young Catholics, puberty can feel like a minefield where one wrong sexually-charged step could have everlasting consequences.