Mogadishu was rocked to its core on Oct. 14 by a truck bombing that left 358 dead and hundreds wounded. The missing are still being sifted for among the scorched rubble.
The president’s threats, according to the statement, “have brought the world to the brink of a nuclear catastrophe and have intensified global insecurity.”
“The health of the American people is incredibly just don’t railroad something through, something you’ve just whipped together in the last couple of weeks.”
Remembering the church’s call to solidarity, a C.R.S. official asks only that as Americans reach out to assist their fellow citizens they continue to remember “our brothers and sisters around the world who are also in need.”
Reacting to the move to end DACA, the bishops said, “Today, our nation has done the opposite of how Scripture calls us to respond. It is a step back from the progress that we need to make as a country.”