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September 20, 2014
For the first time since 2000 the child poverty rate has declined.
September 20, 2014
Describing himself as ldquo beyond surprised rdquo by his appointment to the Archdiocese of Chicago Spokane Bishop Blase Cupich pledged to work with people of faith to ldquo serve the common good rdquo and continue efforts to promote healing in a church community wounded by the sex abuse crisis
Of Other Things
September 17, 2014
The Internet seems designed to make the job of modern e-parenting virtually impossible.
AIR BORNE. A U.S. fighter jet refueling over northern Iraq on Aug. 21.
Signs Of the Times
September 17, 2014
Listening to President Obama’s speech on Sept. 10, outlining his administration’s purportedly new strategy for defeating Islamic State militants in Iraq and Syria, David Cortright found himself wondering what, if anything the United States has learned from its long and costly involvement
In All Things
September 16, 2014
Suicide note that he could no longer endure his treatment at his Catholic school.
September 15, 2014
Theologians from the University of St Thomas in St Paul Minn have released a letter to the Archbishop of St Paul ndash Minneapolis John Nienstedt They urge the archbishop to reintroduce himself to the ldquo people and parishes of the archdiocese rdquo to quot leave the legal talk to lawy
September 12, 2014
The prominent humanitarian organization Human Rights Watch alleged on Sept 11 that three Israeli attacks on Gaza schools caused numerous civilian casualties in violation of the laws of war In the first in-depth documentation of the alleged violations Human Rights Watch investigated the three atta
Ted Cruz speaking at CPAC 2014 in Washington, D.C. (Photo via Wikimedia Commons)
In All Things
September 11, 2014
Keynote speaker off stage booed off stage by Middle East Christian bishops and eparchs.
FAST FOOD, LOW WAGES. A worker joins a nation-wide campaign outside a Midtown Manhattan McDonald’s
Signs Of the Times
September 10, 2014
‘I’m doing this for my future, for my sons to have a union,” Jamne Izquierdo said, holding up a sign demanding a better wage outside a McDonald’s restaurant on 8th Avenue and 56th Street in New York on Sept. 4. Izquierdo has worked at a different Manhattan McDonald’s fa
September 04, 2014
ldquo I rsquo m doing this for my future for my sons to have a union rdquo Jamine Izquierdo says holding up a sign demanding a better wage outside a McDonald rsquo s restaurant on 8th Avenue and 56th Street in New York on Sept 4 Izquierdo has worked at a different Manhattan McDonald rsquo s