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Signs Of the Times
July 16, 2013
"For the future of the country a consensus must emerge," says author James Zogby.
In All Things
July 14, 2013
One of the many troubling aspects of the killing of Trayvon Martin and the trial of George Zimmerman was how quickly the popular debate that emerged after the deadly encounter descended into the dark partisan corners of American life The many ldquo sides rdquo which materialized to defend the gu
Pope Francis at Lampedusa
In All Things
July 10, 2013
It 39 s not much of a shock to hear it but according to Pew Researchers American Catholics are quite fond of their new pope After a little more than three months with Papa Frank 84 percent of U S Catholics quot viewed favorably quot to use Pew 39 s survey speak the new pontiff and 43 perc
HHS mandate accommodation accepted by CHA
In All Things
July 09, 2013
The Catholic Health Association and the U S bishops have parted ways over the final wording of a Department of Health and Human Services exemption and accommodation for religious employers related to its mandate for contraception coverage in new health insurance packages Michael Sean Winters at Nat
In All Things
July 08, 2013
Pope Francis 39 quotability average maintained well above 500 today when he spoke of the quot globalization of indifference quot his expression for the worldwide expansion of a kind of anti-solidarity an encroaching acceptance of the suffering of others His offered his latest entry into Bart
Protesters against Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi in Tahrir Square in Cairo
In All Things
July 03, 2013
Rumors are circulating that Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi is either fleeing the country or under house arrest as the deadline set by the Egyptian military expires Though it is dated June 3 I 39 m presuming this is a typo the president 39 s office issued a statement see below which seems
In All Things
July 03, 2013
Some have noted the lack of response from the U S Conference of Catholic Bishops to the Supreme Court 39 s decision to toss out key components of the Voting Rights Act particularly compared to the U S C C B 39 s rapid condemnation of the court 39 s DOMA decision Today the bishops issued a sta
In All Things
July 02, 2013
One of the week rsquo s most dramatic responses to the Supreme Court decision overturning the federal Defense of Marriage Act DOMA came from U S C C B President Cardinal Timothy Dolan archbishop of New York when he called June 26 the day the decision was issued ldquo a tragic day for marriage
93,000 dead in Syria
In All Things
June 20, 2013
As the Obama administration contemplates methods of arming the Free Syrian nbsp Army that will seek to prevent a trickle-down delivery of American weapons to Islamists extremists fighting alongside the opposition two American bishops have called for the United States to abandon the military option
Destruction in Syria
In All Things
June 20, 2013
The explosion of civil unrest in the Arab world since 2011 may have toppled authoritarian regimes and larcenous despots but it has done little to address long-term internecine resentments and so far has resulted in even less religious freedom That rsquo s among the findings of a report released to