Calling itself Better Church Governance, the group plans to enlist former F.B.I. agents to investigate cardinals on how they handled allegations of sexual abuse and whether they have remained faithful to their vows.
While Father Masters enjoys the perks of being a baseball chaplain—watching games when he has the time and even taking batting practice with the pros—he sees his job as a form of ministry.
Even after revelations about sexual abuse in the church, 79 percent of U.S. Catholics—but only 53 percent of all Americans—hold a favorable view of Pope Francis, according to a Gallup poll.
Cardinal Wuerl seeks to resign, the pope announces a global summit, New York’s attorney general opens new investigations and other developments in the sexual abuse crisis.
While he has defended his record, arguing that he removed priests accused of sexual abuse of minors from ministry in Pittsburgh, the cardinal has previously acknowledged that in other cases, he came up short.
The Diocese of Buffalo faces criticism that it has mishandled allegations of sexual misconduct by priests and as it weathers calls for an independent investigation into its practices.