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In her campaign kick-off speech, Hillary Clinton praised her husband's admininstration, but Bill steered the Democratic Party away from FDR-style big government.
(Un)Conventional Wisdom
June 16, 2015
Will Hillary follow in Bill's balanced-budget footsteps?
The top photo on the homepage of www.pa.gov shows where not to look for votes in Pennsylvania.
(Un)Conventional Wisdom
June 10, 2015
Robert Sullivan's political profile of the state shows how the Democrats got suburban.
(Un)Conventional Wisdom
June 09, 2015
Citizens do not have to own property to be directly affected by their government.
Delaware is now better known for resort and retirement towns like Rehoboth Beach than for chicken farms. (Image from cityofrehoboth.com)
(Un)Conventional Wisdom
June 08, 2015
Kicking off a 50-part series on each state’s role in modern presidential politics
The biggest jump in voter turnout in American history resulted in a win for the guy in the middle, Republican George W. Bush. (CNS photo/Larry Downing, Reuters)
(Un)Conventional Wisdom
June 05, 2015
Elections decided by motivating sympathetic citizens, not swaying voter opinion
Activists rally for a minimum-wage increase last year in Seattle, one of several major cities that have grown impatient with a lack of action in Washington, D.C. (CNS photo/David Ryder, Reuters)
(Un)Conventional Wisdom
June 04, 2015
Both major parties, entrenched at different levels, show little eagerness for cooperation.
The Supreme Court will decide whether undocumented migrants should be counted when drawing legislative district lines, and the ruling could make the "path to citizenship" an even more contentious issue. (CNS photo/Lisa Johnston, St. Louis Review)
(Un)Conventional Wisdom
June 03, 2015
Texas case takes up the “one person, one vote” districting principle.
A demonstrator confronts police near Camden Yards during a march to protest the death of Freddie Gray in Baltimore April 25. (CNS photo/Sait Serkan Gurbuz, Reuters)
(Un)Conventional Wisdom
May 29, 2015
#SomeBlackLivesDontMatter is really a way to dismiss concerns about police misconduct.
The tax codes of states in purple undermine federal efforts to reduce income inequality. (Map by Christopher Ingraham of the Washington Post)
(Un)Conventional Wisdom
May 27, 2015
The two states that do the most to "restore" income inequality are in the South.
The campaign for same-sex marriage in Ireland emphasized personal stories and door-to-door campaigning. ("Cork Pride" photo from www.marriagequality.ie)
(Un)Conventional Wisdom
May 25, 2015
Can familiarity help lead to changed minds?