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The Democrats face a big problem outside of big cities, but in places like Peoria rather than in new suburbs. (Wikipedia photo of Peoria City Hall)
(Un)Conventional Wisdom
November 19, 2014
The 2012 election suggested that Republican candidates are handicapped by their party rsquo s paltry support in major cities for example Mitt Romney rsquo s 14 percent in Philadelphia effectively made it impossible for him to carry the state of Pennsylvania The 2014 election in which the Democra
(Un)Conventional Wisdom
November 19, 2014
The elections of 2014 brought infinite examples of political opponents talking right past each other.
Is President Obama "giving a middle finger" to Republicans by reducing deportations? (CNS photo/Kevin Lamarque, Reuters)
(Un)Conventional Wisdom
November 17, 2014
Would unilateral action lead to more sweeping executive orders under a Republican president?
Do-gooder Eleanor Roosevelt would have made a terrible spokesperson for the Affordable Care Act. (U.S. National Archives and Records Administration)
(Un)Conventional Wisdom
November 14, 2014
Jonathan Gruber did not really call the American people stupid He called them merciless and cruel The debate over the Affordable Care Act has not generated much evidence to contradict this view You may be sick of hearing about the sick but as Ebola hysteria subsides the ACA ldquo Obamacare rdq
Let them eat net neutrality. (CNS photo/Mike Crupi)
(Un)Conventional Wisdom
November 12, 2014
Net neutrality is great, but Obama needs to address economic stagnation to get voters enthusiastic about Democratic Party.
The new look of the Democratic Party?
(Un)Conventional Wisdom
November 10, 2014
Democrats are unified on major issues, leaving little opening for new insurgent candidates.
(Un)Conventional Wisdom
November 06, 2014
In 23 states, the GOP will control governor’s office, both houses of the legislature.
(Un)Conventional Wisdom
November 05, 2014
More thoughts to come but a striking pattern from Tuesday rsquo s election is how the Republicans made significant gains just about everywhere but in major urban counties You could call it a wave but it rsquo s also as if most of America stepped back from the big cities and academic enclaves that
(Un)Conventional Wisdom
November 03, 2014
Finally one of the least important elections in American history is almost over Yes everyone should go out and vote especially for local offices but there rsquo s little chance the congressional elections can result in meaningful change After Tuesday we will still have a Democratic president a
Midterms are near-constant headaches for American presidents. (Image from Pacific Standard's Seth Masket)
(Un)Conventional Wisdom
October 30, 2014
With almost everything over but the counting here are some numbers to keep in mind before Tuesday rsquo s vote The White House disadvantage Midterm elections almost always go badly for the party controlling the presidency Since the Civil War the president rsquo s party has lost seats in the Hous