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Politics & Society News
March 26, 2019
During his May 31-June 2 visit to Romania, Pope Francis will beatify seven bishop-martyrs who died as a result of an anti-religious campaign during Romania's Communist regime. During that trip, the pope will also meet with Romania's Roma community.
A teenager looks on as Pope Francis smiles during his visit to the Sanctuary of the Holy House on the feast of the Annunciation in Loreto, Italy, March 25. (CNS photo/Yara Nardi, Reuters)
Faith News
March 25, 2019
“Young people who are seeking or questioning their future can find Mary to be the one who helps them discern God’s plan for them and find the strength to follow it.”
Faith News
March 06, 2019
The percentage of Catholics in the world has remained steady, while the number of priests has decreased for the first time in almost a decade.
Faith News
February 20, 2019
People must stop using gay people as scapegoats for the sexual abuse of children, two male survivors of abuse by priests told reporters.
Faith News
February 15, 2019
A Vatican diplomat is under investigation by police in Paris for allegedly sexually assaulting a city official.
Faith News
February 14, 2019
The president of Microsoft, Brad Smith, told Pope Francis that a "human voice" was needed to speak up in the world of technology today.
Politics & Society News
February 11, 2019
To keep silent about the truths of the Catholic faith or to teach the contrary is a form of religious deception that comes from the anti-Christ, said Cardinal Gerhard Muller.
Politics & Society News
February 06, 2019
The sainthood cause of Jesuit Father Pedro Arrupe was formally opened in Rome at the Basilica of St. John Lateran Feb. 5, the 28th anniversary of Father Arrupe's death.
Faith News
January 30, 2019
"As long as there are new generations able to say, 'Here I am' to God, the world will have a future."
Politics & Society News
January 29, 2019
The head of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Cardinal Luis Ladaria Ferrer, accepted the resignation of Father Hermann Geissler, a CDF official who is being investigated for apparently soliciting in the confessional, which he denies.