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Water from the melting Aletsch Glacier in the Swiss Alps runs down through a hole in 2015. While everyone has a role and responsibility to help safeguard the planet, all governments must uphold commitments agreed upon in the Paris Accord on reducing climate change, Pope Francis said. (CNS photo/Denis Balibouse, Reuters)
Politics & Society News
July 06, 2018
Without concerted and immediate efforts toward sustainable development, "There is a real danger that we will leave future generations only rubble, deserts and refuse," Pope Francis said on July 6.
 Auxiliary Bishop Jorge Concha Cayuqueo, the apostolic administrator for the Diocese of Osorno, Chile, and Archbishop Charles Sciclunaand Father Jordi Bertomeu Farnos, Vatican envoys, are pictured in Osorno, Chile, June 17. (CNS photo/courtesy Archdiocese of Santiago)
Faith News
June 28, 2018
Pope Francis named two apostolic administrators to govern the now “vacant” dioceses.
Faith News
June 21, 2018
During an inflight news conference June 21, the pope was asked about his recent decision requesting the Catholic bishops' conference of Germany not publish nationwide guidelines for allowing Communion for such couples.
Politics & Society News
June 18, 2018
Typical standards, norms and laws in regard to communications are first eliminated, the pope said in his homily June 18 during morning Mass at Domus Sanctae Marthae.
Faith News
June 15, 2018
Pope Francis reaffirmed how important work and making a living are for each person, but he noted how so many are still excluded from today's "economic progress" and are, therefore, deprived of future prospects and hope.
Politics & Society News
June 14, 2018
A 15th-century copy of a letter Christopher Columbus sent to his royal patrons describing the riches of the New World has been returned to its rightful owner -- the Vatican.
Politics & Society News
June 14, 2018
The World Day of the Poor -- to be marked each year on the 33rd Sunday of ordinary time -- will be celebrated Nov. 18 this year and will focus on a verse from Psalm 34, "This poor one cried out and the Lord heard."
Politics & Society News
June 12, 2018
North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and U.S. President Donald Trump met on Singapore's Sentosa Island for the historic summit June 12. It was the first meeting between a sitting U.S. president and a North Korean leader.
Politics & Society News
June 11, 2018
Spain has announced it will let a ship holding 629 migrants and refugees, who were rescued from the Mediterranean, dock on its shores, after Italy and Malta refused to accept the vessel.
Politics & Society News
June 08, 2018
Celebrating Mass in the chapel of the Domus Sanctae Marthae June 8, the feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Pope Francis spoke about the boundless love of Christ, "which surpasses knowledge."