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A boy feeds his sister in a slum on the outskirts of Islamabad March 30. The World Bank and global faith leaders are joining together to end extreme poverty around the world by 2030. (CNS photo/Caren Firouz, Reuters)
June 16, 2015
Focusing on poverty and sacrificing for the poor are the heart of the Gospel, not signs of communism, Pope Francis said at his morning Mass.Furthermore, if Christians don't dig deep and generously open up their wallets, they do not have "genuine faith," the pope said June 16 during the
Pope Francis speaks during his general audience in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican June 10. (CNS photo/Paul Haring)
June 10, 2015
C.D.F. to "judge bishops with regard to crimes...connected to the abuse of minors."
June 09, 2015
A society that does not include religious views and challenges in public debate becomes an "enemy of freedom," said the Vatican's foreign minister.
Pope Francis greets a girl after accepting a gift from her during a meeting with children of Italian prisoners in Paul VI hall at the Vatican May 30. (CNS photo/Paul Haring)
June 03, 2015
Families are weakened and destroyed by war, "the mother of all forms of poverty," as well as by economies and policies that worship money and power, Pope Francis said."It's almost a miracle" that, even in poverty and crisis, the family can keep on going, safeguarding its bond
May 28, 2015
Church leaders cannot be indifferent to the plight of immigrants, and it is "inexcusable" not to promote cooperation between a host nation and countries of origin, Pope Francis told bishops from the Dominican Republic."It is important to integrate immigrants into society and to welcom
the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart in late April in Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina. Pope Francis will meet with priests, religious and seminarians at the capital's cathedral during his June 6 trip to Sarajevo. (CNS photo/Fehim Demir, EPA)
May 14, 2015
Pope Francis' concern for those suffering on the margins and for small Catholic communities that have kept the faith alive through war or repression will take him to Bosnia-Herzegovina in early June.By making a one-day trip June 6 to Sarajevo, he said he hoped he could "be an encouragement
Whose got time for some b-ball? Francis says yes after Sunday Mass and time with family and friends.
May 08, 2015
"Sometimes it happens that a boy or girl forgets about Mass, catechism because of work-outs and competition. This is not a good sign" because it means they do not have their priorities right.
May 05, 2015
The future of the Middle East will depend on nations coming together to promote dialogue and development in the region and on local Christians staying active in society and politics, a top Vatican official said.The international community cannot remain "inert or indifferent before the dramatic
April 30, 2015
Rome's immigrants, poor, elderly and marginalized will be getting VIP treatment.
U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon addresses an April 28 summit on the moral dimensions of climate change and its impact on the poor. Also pictured is Italy's President Sergio Mattarella, lower left. (CNS photo/Paul Haring)
April 28, 2015
Promoting sustainable development and mitigating climate change will take more than just global policies and agreements, it will also take a strong, unified stance from the world's religions, the secretary-general of the United Nations said at the Vatican.To have development without destruction