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Politics & Society News
April 07, 2021
The podcasts are available on several platforms and they feature one of the pope's own Jesuit astronomers speaking with a notable figure in the world of space exploration or science.
Faith News
March 31, 2021
The Vatican’s Stations of the Cross will feature texts and drawings from a troop of Italian scouts, two group homes for disadvantaged young people and a parish that serves people who are differently abled, the homeless and survivors of domestic abuse.
Faith News
March 29, 2021
The number of Catholics and permanent deacons in the world has shown steady growth, while the number of religious men and women continued to decrease, according to Vatican statistics.
Faith News
March 18, 2021
While the Catholic Church cannot bless unions that are not sacramental marriages, the church will always welcome and accompany everyone, no matter their situation in life, said the prefect of the Dicastery for Laity, the Family and Life.
Faith News
March 04, 2021
Pope Francis has named Cardinal Joseph W. Tobin of Newark, New Jersey, a member of the Congregation for Bishops, the office that advises the pope on the nomination of bishops around the world.
Faith News
February 02, 2021
Called the Sacred Roman and Universal Inquisition when it was instituted in 1542, the congregation was initially a tribunal exclusively for cases of heresy and schism.
Faith News
January 21, 2021
The Catholic physician and researcher Jerome Lejeune devoted his life to protecting unborn children with Down syndrome from so-called “therapeutic abortion.”
Politics & Society News
January 11, 2021
Fabrizio Soccorsi, Pope Francis’ personal doctor, died Jan. 9 of complications caused by Covid-19.
Politics & Society News
December 14, 2020
Pope Francis pledged Vatican City State would achieve net-zero carbon emissions before the year 2050 and urged everyone in the world to be part of a new culture.
Two grandparents, an older white woman and white man with grey hair, sit behind a glass or plastic screen, touching hands with two of their grandchildren, a boy and a girl, who from their profile are also light-skinned.
Politics & Society News
November 30, 2020
One present young people should ask for this Christmas is words of wisdom from older people they know.