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 Italian journalists and authors Emiliano Fittipaldi and Gianluigi Nuzzi are seen at the Vatican in this Nov. 24, 2015, file photo. (CNS photo/Ettore Ferrari, EPA)
Vatican Dispatch
March 23, 2016
That there were abuses in the system was long known
A man places flowers on a street memorial March 23 following bomb attacks in Brussels. Three nearly simultaneous attacks March 22 claimed the lives of dozens and injured more than 200. (CNS photo/Francois Lenoir, Reuters)
March 23, 2016
Francis entrusted “to God’s mercy” all who died in the attacks.
March 20, 2016
Just as nobody wanted to take responsibility for the fate of Jesus, the same is true today in regard to refugees.
Vatican Dispatch
March 16, 2016
Only 36 percent of refugee children go to secondary school.
March 16, 2016
The island nation of 3.5 million people risks a government shut down in June or July.
This Dec. 12, 1979, photo shows Mother Teresa in Oslo, Norway, after receiving the Nobel Peace Price (CNS/EPA) .
March 15, 2016
Mother Teresa is a modern symbol of God's mercy for the poor and discarded of this world.
Migrants and refugees wait in a long line Feb. 25 to receive food distributed by volunteers after their arrival in Athens, Greece. (CNS photo/Simela Pantzartzi, EPA)
March 14, 2016
The pope wants to awaken consciences to the greatest movement of people since World War II.
March 10, 2016
Pope Francis has chosen one of the Holy See's most accomplished diplomats for this important post.
Pope Francis gives a blessing to Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos during a meeting at the Vatican June 15. (CNS photo/Alessandro Di Meo, pool via Reuters)
Vatican Dispatch
March 09, 2016
The way that Pope Francis broke protocol that most people missed
Signs Of the Times
March 09, 2016
Pope Francis expressed his closeness to the Missionaries of Charity, founded by Mother Teresa of Calcutta, after four of their sisters were killed in Aden, the port city of Yemen, on March 4. Departing from his prepared text during the Angelus prayer in St. Peter’s Square, he hailed these sist