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February 12, 2016
The pope will arrive in Cuba at 2 p.m. local time, then continue on to Mexico City.
Vatican Dispatch
February 11, 2016
‘The mercy of God will renew our relationships.’
Orthodox priests arrive at the Russian Orthodox church in Havana Feb. 7. Pope Francis and Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill will meet in Cuba on Feb. 12. (CNS photo/Alexandre Meneghini, Reuters)
February 11, 2016
Pope and Patriarch in Cuba: an enormous step for Catholic-Russian Orthodox relations and for Christian Unity
February 09, 2016
He has been "assessor" or deputy-chief of staff in the Vatican since 2009
February 06, 2016
The papal commission for the Protection of Children has asked Peter Saunders, one of its two survivor members, to take a leave of absence.
February 05, 2016
The first ever meeting between the the heads of the Roman Catholic and Russian Orthodox Churches is a truly historic event.
Vatican Dispatch
February 03, 2016
Pope Francis visits the margins of Mexican society.
Chinese Catholic priests baptize new believers during a 2013 Easter Vigil in a church in Shenyang, China (CNS photo/EPA).
February 02, 2016
In an exclusive interview on China, the pope said, "the Western world, the Eastern world and China all have the capacity to maintain the balance of peace and the strength to do so."
Vatican Dispatch
January 28, 2016
Cardinal Zen does not trust the Chinese Communist administration.
Pope Francis shares a light moment with Iranian President Hassan Rouhani during a private meeting at the Vatican Jan. 26 (CNS photo/Andrew Medichini, pool via Reuters).
January 26, 2016
The Vatican said that during “the cordial discussions” they had spoken about “common spiritual values.”