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Politics & Society Vatican Dispatch
January 09, 2021
In a wide-ranging interview, Pope Francis said he was “astounded” at disorder at the U.S. Capitol. He also said he would get the Covid-19 vaccine next week and that “everyone should be vaccinated.”
Faith Vatican Dispatch
December 31, 2020
Pope Francis is suffering from “a painful sciatica.”
Faith Vatican Dispatch
December 23, 2020
Two cardinals who work closely with Pope Francis tested positive for Covid-19 on Monday. The pope’s test came back negative, the Italian news agency ANSA reported today.
Politics & Society Vatican Dispatch
December 22, 2020
The United Nations General Assembly decided unanimously that Feb. 4 be observed each year as the International Day of Human Fraternity, starting in 2021.
Faith Vatican Dispatch
December 21, 2020
Two cardinals who work closely with Pope Francis have contracted Covid-19.
Faith Vatican Dispatch
December 17, 2020
As he enters his 84th year, Pope Francis continues to be an important source of hope and encouragement for countless people in a world where these are in short supply.
Faith News
December 08, 2020
Cardinal Parolin, 65, was admitted for surgery for an enlarged prostate, common in men over 50, and it is expected to leave the hospital in a few days.
 Pope Francis greets Iraqi President Barham Salih at the Vatican Jan. 25, 2020. The Vatican has confirmed Pope Francis will visit Iraq March 5-8. (CNS photo/Vatican Media)
Faith Vatican Dispatch
December 07, 2020
Vatican sources acknowledge the visit, which Pope Francis has long hoped for, is “risky” under current conditions.
Faith Vatican Dispatch
December 01, 2020
Cardinal Fitzgerald noted that Francis took inspiration for the encyclical not only from St. Francis of Assisi but also from the Grand Imam of al-Azhar, Ahmad Al-Tayyeb.
Faith Interviews
November 25, 2020
“The church is in the middle of a seismic change as it moves to a more synodal and discerning approach under the leadership of Pope Francis.”