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Faith Vatican Dispatch
February 07, 2020
Father O’Connor is the first non-Mexican to lead the order that was founded in 1941 by the Mexican priest, the Rev. Marcial Maciel. Benedict XVI removed Father Marcial from public ministry in 2006, after finding him guilty of sexually abusing minors, and ordered him to spend the rest of his life in
Faith Vatican Dispatch
February 07, 2020
Pope Francis’ much awaited exhortation on the Pan-Amazonian synod will be released on Feb. 12.
A boy holds a family chicken outside his home in Steele, Ala., in this 2013 file photo. (CNS photo/Karen Callaway, Catholic New World) 
Politics & Society Dispatches
February 05, 2020
“The world is rich but, notwithstanding this, the [number of] poor people around us is increasing,” Pope Francis said. “Hundreds of millions of people are living in extreme poverty, lacking the bare necessities of life including food, medical care, schools, drinking water.”
Empty streets in Jiujiang, China, on Feb. 3, 2020. (CNS photo/Thomas Peter, Reuters)
Faith Vatican Dispatch
February 03, 2020
“I hope the supplies could reach where they are needed as soon as possible, so that people who are suffering the disease could feel the concern from the Holy See,” Father Han told the Global Times. “The whole world is standing together to fight the virus.”
Faith Vatican Dispatch
January 31, 2020
“The pope is an Argentinian concerned for his fatherland and for his people. He loves the Argentinians very much.”
Faith Vatican Dispatch
January 26, 2020
Francis has known him since 2006, when as archbishop of Buenos Aires he heard about his work with street children and drug addicts and contacted him.
Faith Vatican Dispatch
January 25, 2020
Francis has shown a great interest in Iraq and its people that have suffered so much since the U.S.-led invasion in 2003.
Cardinal Giovanni Battista Re arrives for Pope Francis' celebration of the opening Mass of the Synod of Bishops at the Vatican Oct 3., 2018.
Faith Vatican Dispatch
January 25, 2020
He succeeds Cardinal Angelo Sodano, 92, who was dean for almost 15 years.
Faith Vatican Dispatch
January 24, 2020
Mr. Pence told Francis “you made me a hero” back home by granting him the private audience.
Faith Vatican Dispatch
January 23, 2020
Bishop Nelson J. Perez becomes the third Hispanic archbishop in the United States and the first to serve in this archdiocese.