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Faith Vatican Dispatch
May 29, 2019
“I come as a pilgrim and a brother,” Pope Francis said in a video message to the people of Romania on the eve of his visit to the largest of the Balkan states and a predominantly Orthodox country.
 Then-Cardinal Theodore E. McCarrick attends a reception for new cardinals in Paul VI hall at the Vatican Nov. 20, 2010. Among the new cardinals was Cardinal Donald W. Wuerl of Washington, successor to Cardinal McCarrick as archbishop of Washington. (CNS photo/Paul Haring)
Faith Vatican Dispatch
May 28, 2019
Pope Francis: “I knew nothing about McCarrick.... If not, I would not have remained silent.”
A member of the Missionaries of the Risen Christ provides migrants with food in Tapachula, Mexico, May 11, 2019. Some African and Haitian migrants have been stranded in southern Mexico for two months. (CNS photo/Andres Martinez Casares, Reuters)
Politics & Society Vatican Dispatch
May 27, 2019
The logic of “me first and then the others,” sometimes cited by believers and frequently used by politicians to gain votes and power in European countries, the United States and elsewhere, is not the logic of Christ.
Faith Vatican Dispatch
May 23, 2019
Caritas Internationalis is increasingly being called to help with challenges provoked by climate change. “Our food production is at stake.”
Faith Vatican Dispatch
May 18, 2019
“One of the first things that dictators do is to remove the freedom of the press,” he said.
Cardinal Konrad Krajewski, the papal almoner, visits the Hope and Peace Center for refugees near the Moria refugee camp on the Greek island of Lesbos May 8, 2019. (CNS photo/Vatican Media)
Politics & Society Dispatches
May 13, 2019
By reconnecting the building to the power supply and breaking the seals that prevented the building from having power, the papal almoner broke the law. But he was unrepentant.
Faith Vatican Dispatch
May 12, 2019
Pope Francis has authorized the organization of pilgrimages to the Marian shrine of Medjugorje, the Vatican announced today.
Pope Francis greets a nun during a meeting with 850 superiors general on May 10, 2019, at the Vatican, who were in Rome for the plenary assembly of the International Union of Superiors General. (CNS photo/Vatican Media via Reuters)
Faith Vatican Dispatch
May 10, 2019
“In regard to the diaconate we must see what was there at the beginning of revelation, if there was something, let it grow and it arrives, but if there was not, if the Lord didn’t want a sacramental ministry for women, it can’t go forward.”
Faith Vatican Dispatch
May 09, 2019
Pope Francis today issued a wide-ranging decree, known as a "motu proprio" or executive decree, that lays down procedures and norms for reporting abuse in the church, aimed at the eradication of abuse in the church.
Pope Francis with reporters aboard his flight from Skopje, North Macedonia, to Rome on May 7, 2019. (CNS photo/Paul Haring) 
Faith Vatican Dispatch
May 07, 2019
Pope Francis said, “There were deaconesses at the beginning [of the church], but [the question is] was theirs a sacramental ordination or not?”