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Pope Francis greets Cardinal Charles Bo of Yangon as he arrives at Yangon International Airport in Yangon, Myanmar, Nov. 27 (CNS photo/Paul Haring).
Faith Vatican Dispatch
November 27, 2017
“The fact is the military are still in control here even if we have a civilian government,” the priest said.
People hold photos of Myanmar state counselor Aung San Suu Kyi during an Oct. 10 candlelight interfaith prayer service in Yangon (CNS photo/Soe Zeya Tun, Reuters).
Faith Vatican Dispatch
November 25, 2017
To promote dialogue and reconciliation, the pope will have to move with great prudence.
A 14-year-old boy receives medical treatment at Suez Canal University hospital in Ismailia, Egypt, Friday, Nov. 24, 2017, after he was in injured during an attack on a mosque (AP Photo/Amr Nabil).
Politics & Society News
November 24, 2017
The pope described the attack as a “wanton act of brutality directed at innocent civilians gathered in prayer.”
Pope Francis greets people at the “Regional Hub,” a government-run processing center for migrants, refugees and asylum seekers, in Bologna, Italy, Oct. 1. (CNS photo/L’Osservatore Romano)
Faith Vatican Dispatch
November 24, 2017
Although he named no countries, Vatican observers believe he is referring especially to political leaders in several western and eastern European countries.
Faith Vatican Dispatch
November 21, 2017
Participants at the recent plenary assembly approved a petition requesting the pope to waive the “monitum” issued by the Holy Office in 1962.
Faith Vatican Dispatch
November 21, 2017
Since becoming pope, Francis has given special attention to the Holy See’s diplomatic staff. 
Faith Vatican Dispatch
November 20, 2017
“Not everything that is technically possible or feasible is therefore ethically acceptable.”
Faith Vatican Dispatch
November 19, 2017
“To love the poor means to combat all forms of poverty, spiritual and material."
Pope Francis visits patients at the Villa Speranza hospice, which is connected to Gemelli Hospital, in Rome Sept. 16. The visit was part of the pope's series of Friday works of mercy during the Holy Year. (CNS photo/L'Osservatore Romano, handout)
Politics & Society Vatican Dispatch
November 16, 2017
“There is no obligation to have recourse in all circumstances to every possible remedy” to keep a person alive.
Politics & Society Vatican Dispatch
November 13, 2017
Pope Francis condemned not only the threat of nuclear weapons but also “their very possession” in a landmark statement on Nov. 10.