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Arts & Culture Podcasts
September 08, 2017
Hip-hop has always had a deep religious undercurrent to its bars and beats.
Faith Last Take
September 05, 2017
Young adult Catholics suffer from lacking a community of other young adults, but we fundamentally suffer from a lack of a wider Catholic community. A parish can offer that — even without the hip young adult group.
Politics & Society Podcasts
September 01, 2017
Goodlands is mapping the Catholic Church. Yes, all of it.
Maps and pins
Politics & Society Jesuitical
September 01, 2017
Faith News
August 14, 2017
The reports were sourced to a fake Facebook page.
Faith Jesuitical
July 28, 2017
Working out for the body of a god? What about the body of a convict?
Politics & Society Jesuitical
July 14, 2017
Politics & Society Short Take
June 09, 2017
Whether or not impeachment is warranted, it will not be enough to redeem this strange episode in the life of the United States.
Faith Jesuitical
June 02, 2017