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Signs Of the Times
From AP, CNS, RNS, Staff and other sources
The annual Labor Day statement from the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops may prove notable this year because of observations that in the past would hardly raise an eyebrow. It includes a thorough reiteration of the U.S. church’s historical support of organized labor and an acknowledgment of
Signs Of the Times
From AP, CNS, RNS, Staff and other sources
The National Cathedral in Washington and St. Patrick’s Church in Baltimore, Md., were among the structures left with the most serious damage after a 5.8 magnitude earthquake struck Virginia on Aug. 23. • Church leaders in southern India who hoped to “curb the flow of liquor in Keral
Signs Of the Times
From AP, CNS, RNS, Staff and other sources

The attack killed more than 50 bettors and employees and left the nation horrified.

Signs Of the Times
From AP, CNS, RNS, Staff and other sources

A UN report said that violations alleged to have taken place in the south of Sudan “could amount to crimes against humanity or war crimes.”

Signs Of the Times
From AP, CNS, RNS, Staff and other sources

Far from American headlines Irene also left widespread destruction in the Bahamas and elsewhere in the Caribbean.

Signs Of the Times
From AP, CNS, RNS, Staff and other sources

As the search goes on for Libyan dictator Moammar Gadhafi, the bishop of Tripoli is stuck in Italy but hoping to return to the North Africa nation soon.

Signs Of the Times
From AP, CNS, RNS, Staff and other sources

Sona Mpofu of Bulawayo, Zimbabwe, and 21 other pilgrims were exhausted by their journey but thrilled about being at World Youth Day.

Signs Of the Times
From AP, CNS, RNS, Staff and other sources

Cardinal Sean P. O'Malley has released the names of 159 of the 250 Boston archdiocesan priests or deacons accused of sexually abusing a minor.

Signs Of the Times
From AP, CNS, RNS, Staff and other sources

According to one report, since June an average of 10 children under the age of 5 have died every day.

Signs Of the Times
From AP, CNS, RNS, Staff and other sources

"In a world shaken by wars, economic crises and social discouragement, the youths...had only one message to spread: Christ lives," said Cardinal Marc Ouellet.