Bill McGarvey, a musician and writer, is the author of The Freshman Survival Guide and owner of McG-Media.com.
Arts & CultureMusic
Springsteen has created a sprawling sonic landscape that, in its best moments, feels like the soundtrack to a film you would love to see.
Politics & SocietyNews Analysis
For high school seniors, existential angst about what schools they will get into, how much aid they will receive and how much debt they will need to take on to get a degree has become a national rite of passage.
Arts & CultureFilm
The controversial film is a sweet lullaby when what is really needed is a wake up call.
Arts & CultureArt
Nathaniel Kahn's "The Price of Everything" features a veritable Greek chorus of modern-art market luminaries.
Arts & CultureBooks
Heartland is a chronicle of lives and places; a story of the women and men on the lower end of the working class in rural Kansas who nurtured, challenged and continue to inform Sarah Smarsh's story.
Politics & SocietyNews Analysis
A conversation between Simcha Fisher and Bill McGarvey, two columnists for America. They discuss the Kavanaugh hearing and more via email.
Arts & CultureTelevision
As an agent provocateur, Cohen’s new show had an impact before it even aired.
Arts & CultureMusic
In “Springsteen on Broadway,” song, story and storyteller merge.
Arts & CultureLast Take
Kerry Cronin’s classes at Boston College tackle what has apparently become an abstract and rarefied topic on college campuses.
Arts & CultureIdeas
The Gaffigans have produced comedy specials, best-selling books and five children. They even survived a brain tumor. What have you done lately?