The campaign, by Catholics for Choice, "disregards the need to defend vulnerable human life in all its stages—a principle at the core of authentic social justice."
The trade deal has the potential to shape the economies of poorer countries and bring fairer trade systems, Cardinal Marx says.
Prayers of the faithful were offered for all the men and women who perished at the site on 9/11 and for their families to find peace and consolation.
Archbishop Robert J. Carlson of St. Louis said in a brief statement that Schlafly "displayed an ardent commitment to the teachings and defense of the Catholic faith."
Bishop Tobin said the agreement with the attorney general's office comes after "many months, even years, of reflection and discussion."
A group of doctors, backed by the American Academy of Medical Ethics, had sued to suspend the law while their challenge proceeded.
Faith leaders called on their parishes to take offerings to support flood victims in Louisiana.
The religious leaders noted that most of those killed are "small-time and poor people."
The Catholic bishops are strongly opposed.
"The strong faith, kindness and generosity of the people in the Diocese of Dallas surpassed all of my expectations."